At Holy Fire of Zion, we have a Three-fold Focused Mission.


This ministry seeks to usher souls who are still in the captivity of satan and lead as many that would love eternal life into God’s Kingdom through a focused-driven approach towards the great commission by our Lord Jesus.
It is obvious that the apostolic kind of evangelism is no longer popular in our present age, and it’s gradually fading out in many churches. Hence, there is so much dearth of souls who have come to the knowledge of Christ and many are still bound to the shackles of sin and in need of deliverance from the enemy.
Therefore, in response to the Lord’s command and charge, we are poised to fulfill this mandate to set men free and let them go and experience true peace.


Too many believers are misidentifying themselves, just as the twelve apostles, though they followed Jesus as their master and yet did not really know who Jesus was, nor who themselves were. This ministry has a charge to open their eyes so that they might see and take their rightful places in Christ. Act 26:18, Isaiah43:8


This ministry seeks to Awaken the redeemed souls to stand out among all peoples and live with heightened alert in our contemporary days and be ready for the imminent coming of the Lord Jesus.
In Luke 9:32 the three chosen apostles were with the glorious Jesus but it meant nothing to them because they were asleep. Only those who see the Glory of God can react to it: and they woke up and saw Jesus in his glory. There’s a foretaste of the glory that God has appointed us to inherit in Zion presently in the world but believers must be awake in order to grab it else, many of us might miss the opportunity. Romans 13:11

Holy Fire of Zion International Ministries is committed to unity, liberty, and love in Jesus Christ.


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